What Defenses Are Possible for an Alleged Homicide Charge in Seattle?

One of the greatest jobs of every government is to protect its citizens from harm. Thus, the states have formulated extremely punitive laws to discourage people from inflicting pain or injuries on others. Homicide particularly covers all incidences where a life is lost, and the penalties are not anything you would wish for. Quality defense [...]

By | October 26th, 2021|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on What Defenses Are Possible for an Alleged Homicide Charge in Seattle?

What Are Possible Defenses for Robbery in Seattle?

A robbery conviction could have a life-changing effect on your life. The consequences of a robbery conviction in Seattle can affect your criminal record, employment record, and may even lead to felony charges. The dire consequences of this crime should make it imperative to work closely with a Seattle Criminal Justice Attorney. Your attorney will [...]

By | September 26th, 2021|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on What Are Possible Defenses for Robbery in Seattle?

How Do I Fight an Alleged Kidnapping Charge in Seattle?

Sometimes, kidnapping charges can be brought about by a misunderstanding by individuals or law enforcers. And in those instances, the accused knows too well that they had no criminal intentions, or in other circumstances, the victim's presence was voluntary and not forced. If the event does not tick all the boxes of the federal or [...]

By | July 27th, 2021|Juvenile Crime|Comments Off on How Do I Fight an Alleged Kidnapping Charge in Seattle?

What Are the Charges for Growing Marijuana Without a Permit in Seattle?

Recreational users can be charged for planting their own marijuana. Only people that have a physician's prescription can grow the plant without getting into trouble. However, a person can only grow six plants for personal use. A household cannot plant more than 15 seedlings, regardless of the number of people using medical marijuana in the [...]

By | June 26th, 2021|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on What Are the Charges for Growing Marijuana Without a Permit in Seattle?

What Are Possible Defenses for a Gang-Related Crime in Seattle?

In Seattle and all over the state of Washington, there is growing concern for the increased number of gang-related crimes taking place on the streets. The RCW (Revised Code of Washington) Title 9, Chapter 9.94A, Section 9.94A.030 defines a criminal street gang as “any ongoing organization, association, or group of three or more persons, whether [...]

By | May 30th, 2021|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on What Are Possible Defenses for a Gang-Related Crime in Seattle?

What are the Possible Consequences for a Domestic Violence Charge?

Domestic violence is a very serious crime and as such it comes with some very serious consequences. The crime of domestic violence comes with two waves of consequences, the first happens immediately upon the police first getting involved and the second occurs depending on the outcome of the charge. To fully grasp what happens with [...]

By | April 20th, 2021|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on What are the Possible Consequences for a Domestic Violence Charge?

What Are the Penalties for Indecent Exposure in Seattle?

It usually is not a violent or destructive crime, but in the State of Washington, indecent exposure isn’t treated lightly, either. If you are charged with indecent exposure in or near the Seattle area, you’re going to need advice and representation from a good Seattle criminal defense attorney. If you are accused of indecent exposure, [...]

By | March 31st, 2021|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on What Are the Penalties for Indecent Exposure in Seattle?

What Are Possible Penalties for Burglary in Seattle?

The accused's intentions distinguish a burglary from other property crimes in Seattle. For instance, trespassing can happen similar to a burglary, but the former's intent is not to commit a criminal offense. Notably, convicts of this crime have had to deal with severe consequences, including life imprisonment.  The burglary laws in Washington State are precise [...]

By | February 15th, 2021|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on What Are Possible Penalties for Burglary in Seattle?

What Is the Difference Between Homicide, Murder, and Manslaughter (and How Are the Charges Different) in Seattle?

Outside of the legal profession, the charges of homicide, murder, and manslaughter are all used in almost the same manner when describing this type of crime. Legally though, they have quite different meanings and vary substantially in the way they are defended, handled by the Seattle court system, and in the punishments that you can [...]

By | January 15th, 2021|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on What Is the Difference Between Homicide, Murder, and Manslaughter (and How Are the Charges Different) in Seattle?

Can My Child Be Charged With a Felony in Washington State?

In Washington State, our criminal lawyers know that the Juvenile Court System is designed to handle crimes associated with juvenile law specifically. The juvenile law system, for all practical purposes, is a separate part altogether of the Washington state adult courts. These cases are usually referred to as juvenile delinquency cases. Juvenile delinquency cases concern [...]

By | December 15th, 2020|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on Can My Child Be Charged With a Felony in Washington State?