What Are The Elements Of An Assault Charge?

In the State of Washington, assault is treated as a serious, violent crime. A conviction can have severe, long-term repercussions. You could even go to jail. If you are charged with one of these crimes, you can’t afford to be represented by the wrong Seattle criminal defense lawyer. What constitutes assault in the State of [...]

By | February 8th, 2020|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on What Are The Elements Of An Assault Charge?

Being Charge With Possession With Intent to Distribute

It should come as no surprise that both federal and state authorities take drug offenses very seriously. Anyone who knows anything about the subject will tell you that being caught with illegal drugs can land you in more trouble than you were bargaining for, and the amount of drugs that you happen to have on [...]

By | January 24th, 2020|DUI|0 Comments

Fentanyl Charges in Washington State

If you’ve never heard of Fentanyl then you should know it is a prescription drug that is recommended for the treatment of severe pain. It is considered to be one of the deadliest drugs in America because it is highly addictive. It is no surprise that prosecutors in Washington are advocating for heavy penalties for [...]

By | May 20th, 2019|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on Fentanyl Charges in Washington State

How Washington Handles Probation Violations Caused By Failed Drug Tests

When a criminal offender in the state of Washington is sentenced to probation, the court sets forth the guidelines and conditions of the probation. The offender must follow the rules to the letter during the term of probation or suffer potentially harsh legal consequences for a violation. Exactly how does probation work in this state? [...]

By | April 19th, 2019|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on How Washington Handles Probation Violations Caused By Failed Drug Tests

Pleading Guilty To Avoid Trial – Should You?

When a defendant faces a criminal charge, it is the defendant's choice to take the case to trial or to enter a guilty plea, avoid a trial, and accept a conviction. An attorney can explain and protect a defendant's rights – and even negotiate a plea deal – but the defendant makes the final decision. [...]

By | March 18th, 2019|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on Pleading Guilty To Avoid Trial – Should You?

Seattle’s New Gun Storage Law – What Happens If You Don’t Follow The Rules?

Gun violence and gun crimes are a perennial challenge for law enforcement authorities. Virtually every conceivable approach has been tried. Some of the efforts to reduce gun violence have been moderately successful. Others have not. The City of Seattle is focusing on safe gun storage. This new and controversial gun storage statute took effect on [...]

By | February 17th, 2019|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on Seattle’s New Gun Storage Law – What Happens If You Don’t Follow The Rules?

Could You Be Wrongly Accused Because Of Entrapment?

You may recall that from 2004 through 2007, To Catch A Predator – a “reality cop show” – aired on NBC. Typically, an adult man was lured into meeting a minor for sex. Hidden cameras showed a reporter confronting the potential predator, who was then nabbed by the local police. Critics argued that the suspects [...]

By | January 18th, 2019|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on Could You Be Wrongly Accused Because Of Entrapment?

Can Issued Warrants Be Dismissed?

The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution restricts the ability of police officers to conduct searches, seizures, and arrests. In fact, your constitutional rights are so fundamental that unless the police have a warrant or probable cause, they cannot search or arrest you. As Seattle drug crimes lawyers, we know that police officer’s feelings, hunches, [...]

By | December 14th, 2018|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

The Penalties Of Underage DUIs In Seattle

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a factor in most fatal traffic collisions that involve teens. If you’re a teenager’s parent in the state of Washington, our Seattle DUI lawyers ask that you speak frequently with your teenager regarding the dangers of intoxicated driving. No teenager should be convicted of DUI. It’s a conviction that [...]

By | November 20th, 2018|DUI|0 Comments

Can Racial Profiling Affect Your Criminal Case?

We all engage in “profiling” every day. When we buy a car or purchase a home, seek a spouse, or even choose a restaurant, we are seeking specific qualities and traits and choosing to exclude other qualities and traits. As Seattle drug crimes lawyers, we know that the police engage in profiling as well. If [...]

By | October 18th, 2018|Criminal Defense|0 Comments